Sunday, July 17, 2011


                                                       change on Shawal life
Shawal used to creat problem for Jesus beliber, if he meet anyone of Jesus beliber kill them.When Shawal was walking suddenly there was light around him.He falldown on the flower and he heard the sound of Shawal why you creat problem for me and God says that i am Jesus whom you give pain.But stand and go to the town what you should you do i will tall you.When he stand and open his eyes hecan't see anything,one person come to lid him.for three days he can't see,eat,and drink.There was a beliver of Jesus so Jesus order to him to meet shawal.When the beliver meet Shawal he pray to God for his blindness.He can see again,from that day he never creat problem for Jesus but he started to do work for Jesus because he know Jesus is the good God.At last shawal goes agenest the leader of the world,he started to preach about jesus,he was killed by people.   

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