Sunday, July 24, 2011

Everybody has the black one though, so if you want to be a bit more versatile but not have a "loud" backpack, get a grey one or navy. I'm getting a navy one for 10th grade. Well, Jansport bags are just my preference.

Monday, July 18, 2011


                                                        Thanks and pray
From you all I want to give alots of thanks to Gods. I will always pray for you because I am very thankfullness you people are with me from the first day for preaching.I am sure that who has started the work he will finish the work on the day of jesus christ.It is right to thinking as like as like that because you all are in my heart,because you are practicapted on my preaching.God is my prove how am i thirsty for your love by jesus love.I want to pray for that your knowledge may be increase and your love is also increase in that day.You could know what is right or wrong.You could be cleane or sinless for the day of jesus.By the jesus bless you could be strong.May God bless you all the time.You could be ready to do work for jesus because you know brother how much our father loves us so go all around the world to preach jesus and give them batism on the name of son God,father God and holispitit.


                                                         Speritual bless on Jesus
May my God jesus christ and father God praze,who has give us sprotual bless.He has choosen us to be sinless from the beginning.He has choosen us to be his beliver by jesus christ from the begenning.God wants that we could praze his name all the time.Due to the his kindmess we could get excuse from wur sin.Which kindness he gives us for forever.He has give us the knowledge to know his plan for us by God.Because God wants that the heaven and earth will be in under of jesus.Jesus has choosen to be follower,he wants that we could preach him all around world.we could go for the work of his,we could survive for the joy of jesus.Who people lision the goodnews of jesus and belive him,he has bless you all by how sperit.Whenever you could not gone to heaven jesus has given the holisperit for us.


I am Pawal the follower of God, who is send by God.My God give you all bless and peace to make free us from sin he died on cross,because he loves us. I praze the name of God all the time. There is no any good news.I am surprize because you people desive on the goodnews of jesus and follow the other news.Really there is no another good news, But there is some person who want to destroy the good news of jesus,if the good news is preaching by angle than the man be in sin.I want to repet my word in which goodnews you have belive instite that goodnews if any one preach they be sinfull.I am not here to lision whot people want but I am here lision what God want.I am not here to make people happy but i am here to make God.If i do something for people's happyness than I will not be of God' I hope to perforn all my work for jesus because I am a servent of jesus because he loves me so much. he care me.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


                                                           Divate on churuch
Brothers, I request on the name of  lod jesus we be agry with eachoter shouldn't be in unity,because my brothers I know there is fight between you.You people says I am Pawal's,I am simon's,I am jesu' jesus divaded?iis Pawal hang on the cross?get you batism on the name of  Pawal,I thank to God because among you I have gave batism only two person. so you are not allowed to say you are batism by me because I am not send to give batism but I am send to preach about jesus christ.Not by the knowledge because the pawer of cross is vanity for the people who are want to die but is pawer for whom are want to be alive because there is written that I am here to make folish who is intellegent .I am here to destroy the knowledge of cleaver.


I am pawal,servent of Jesus called for follow to God and preach the goodnews.This goodnews is about jesus christ who was born on daudh feamily.Jesus christ died on cross and rose again by the pawor of God.Due to the good newa we are here to share about this good news.Other are also called to be jesus followre.All who are at world God love you,who are called to be jesus follower,God bless you all.
                                   Pawal want to go Rom
first of all Iwant to thank God by all us because the news which you people belive in jesus is known by world.I totallly suranded my life for Jesus work.God is my leadrer.I request to my father anyhow I could come back to meet you again.Due to our faith we all could be strong on jesus.Could I preach about jesus on other religious person.But I haven't started that.Whoever the person but I have to preach them.It is possible I want get  and preach on Rom because I never shy for preach.


                                                       change on Shawal life
Shawal used to creat problem for Jesus beliber, if he meet anyone of Jesus beliber kill them.When Shawal was walking suddenly there was light around him.He falldown on the flower and he heard the sound of Shawal why you creat problem for me and God says that i am Jesus whom you give pain.But stand and go to the town what you should you do i will tall you.When he stand and open his eyes hecan't see anything,one person come to lid him.for three days he can't see,eat,and drink.There was a beliver of Jesus so Jesus order to him to meet shawal.When the beliver meet Shawal he pray to God for his blindness.He can see again,from that day he never creat problem for Jesus but he started to do work for Jesus because he know Jesus is the good God.At last shawal goes agenest the leader of the world,he started to preach about jesus,he was killed by people.   

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


                                                             promise of holy sprite 
if you love me than you obey my order. I request to father and he will send another leader who will stay with you always,it will holy sprite,whom world can't accept because the world can't see or known him but you will know him.You know him because he will stay with you.I will never leave you alone,I will come back.After some days the world can't see me,I am alive so you will be alive that day you will know I am with my father.Who love me,my father love them.i am saying I am going and I will soon.If you love me you should be happy.Before it will happened I have told you ,when it will happened you could belie it.Now I don't talk with you more because the leader of the world is coming.He has no power for me but I love my father.I request to my father what is your desire it should happened let's go from here    


luka is a third book of new testament from bible. In this book there is description of birth of Yuhanna, when Alishawa was pregnant,she gives birth to a baby,it is all by God's bless. At eight day of baby's birth his relatives want to call him by name jaykaria but his mother says his name is Yuhanna. Her relatives says that there is none whose name is related with this name,At last they asked to the baby's father what do you want to call your baby by name, he answer by Yuhanna.People are very friend because the father of this baby couldn't speak, but that time he could speak so they start to worship to God.This event by all people of this village. There is one question on the mind of every person of villager what will be the baby in future because God's bless is always with him   


Markush is a second book of  bible.This book is written by Markus who is the student of Jesus Christ.On this book there is a story of a person who is caught by ghost.when Jesus and his student come on next city by ship,when Jesus came out from ship,a person who is caught by ghost come and meet Jesus .the person used to leave around dedbodies house .None can control him because many time he has brake pres ion.In day or night no matter he used to shout on around dedbodies house. when he saw Jesus he run towards Jesus and bow his head.he started shout ,oh God's son Jesus what is your purpose to me,i request you to leave me .Jesus asked what is your name? i am group because we are big in our group.He request to Jesus don't order to us to go from this city.There is some group of pigs,they request to Jesus let us order to go on the group of this pig.Jesus order to go and their soul go on pig's bodies and pigs jump on sea and they died    

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Matti is first book of new testament,this book is written by Matti who is the follower of Jesus Christ.he is very honest person,he has spend his all life for Jesus work.his man aim is to grow the kingdom of Jesus Christ who is the light of the world.Jesus has come on the world relief people from their sin because there is none on the world to provide relief from their sin.Jesus is not as like a simple person he is 100% man and 100%God because he has done many many strange work.He make blind can see,he make lamp can walk,he make died alive.But some people don't like Jesus so they made plan to kill Jesus.Jesus know about their plan,Jesus can ponist  them but he doesn't do anything because it should be done,after some days they arrive and keep him to ponist.All people demand to hang Jesus on the crush .